WahLaa. . . LivingInPanama.com

The Transformation to .com Happens On Tuesday, Feb. 3rd

It happens on Tuesday.

LivingInPanama.org will transform into LivingInPanama.com.

I wanted the .com address from the beginning of this website.
But someone had already bought it, although they weren't using it.

It took awhile (years) for the person who was sitting on LivingInPanama.com to sell it to me at a reasonable price.

He was always willing to sell it, but his price started at a ridiculous level.

Now, with some help from a gentleman in India the transfer is almost complete.

It should be fully synced and functional on Tuesday, February 3.
The day after Ground Hog Day

You will still be able to use your .org addresses and links.
They will forward to that same page on the .com site.

A Toast To My Readers

On Tuesday evening I will lift my glass in celebration.
I will give a toast to all of you, my readers.

So many of you have emailed telling me that they appreciate this site and the work I do.
Thank you!

It definitely makes the whole process more fun to hear that others enjoy the site and find it useful.

Yippee! A .com to be.


Will You Be Happy In Panama?
Click to find out (12 Quick Questions)