Quiz! Will You Be Happy In Panama?

rectangle of blue sky & graphic of 2 palm trees with text about Panama quiz
Answer the questions below. Respond to all 12 to get your score.

Moving to Panama is a big decision.

Your biggest question is probably,

"Will I Be Happy In Panama?"

In this quiz, you will explore all the items you should consider before deciding if Panama is right for you.

Scroll down to begin the quiz

Will You Be Happy In Panama Quiz

Step 1 of 13

  • Can You Afford To Live In Panama?
    pac-man icon with word budget, "eating" food, fun, etcPanama can be incredibly affordable. But your personal cost of living will depend on both where you live and what you buy.

    If you buy all the same brand names from back "home", then your cost of living will be significantly higher than if you shop more like a local.

    And your location matters.

    While Panama City is more affordable than some parts of the US, it is not an inexpensive place to live. In the same way, if you live in areas that have a big expat population, you are likely to spend more money.

    About calculating your budget. If you receive a pension of some sort, it is much easier to figure out your monthly budget. It can be trickier to figure your monthly "retirement" income, if your plan is to sell everything and live on the proceeds. 

    To help figure out if you can afford to live in Panama (or anywhere), use these calculators.

    What Will Your Average Monthly Budget Be in Panama?
    (Don't forget to include travel costs to visit back "home".)

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rob & sally
rob & sally
11 years ago

cute quiz - we only scored 55.45%...thought it would be higher having visited there and finding it compatible. right now it is neck and neck with ecuador. roatan and the dr are further down the list at the moment. Puerto sounds great but how is the health care and arn't property prices being driven way up by speculating expats? we're just looking for ocean, reasonable and accessible healthcare, affordable cost of living, ect. and pretty much as hassel free as possible.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  rob & sally

Hi Rob and Sally,
Thanks. And Thanks for testing the quiz.
Yes I think I need to re-weight the questions to better reflect people's answers.
I'm working on that. So you might want to come back tomorrow and retake it.

I don't know how to answer your questions. The best way is, of course, to visit Puerto Armuelles and
see for yourself.

As far as I know, Puerto is still less expensive than any beach place in Costa Rica and cheaper than most in Panama.
Regarding healthcare, it depends upon your needs. There is plenty of health care in Puerto. Like everywhere in Panama, the bigger the city the better the health care. For instance, health care in David is very good, in Panama City it is excellent.

I think Puerto Armuelles, may fit your qualifications, but the only way to find out is to come here and stay awhile.
Best wishes and thanks again for taking the quiz in beta form.

11 years ago

Hahaha! What a fun quiz. I actually thought I'd score higher. I wish the quiz told me where I was needing improvement, so I could look at myself from another perspective and get more prepared.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Jenn

Hi Jenn,

Thanks for testing the quiz for me. As I mentioned to Rob and Sally, it seems I need to re-calibrate the questions for a better assessment.

That is a great idea about where you need improvement. I will try to make that happen.


Paul Zendzian
Paul Zendzian
11 years ago

Doctors: I met Panamanian med students when I visited my ex girlfriend, who is a pediatrician. Their English was better than that of the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans from my neighborhood. Also, my verbal communication skills are poor in English and I'm not going to pay for therapy to fix this. At 62, I will soon be unable to afford medical care and premiums, despite having only minor health care concerns. As I write this, my hand surgeon from Panama City called as I was hoping to fix some finger problems in August. He has already spent much more time discussing my care than any US doctor would be able to.

I actually visit my relatives and friends very rarely, about 2-3 times per year. The outsourcing of 40,000 Connecticut IT jobs has resulted in people working 60+ hours per week with very little time to visit their extended families. I have plenty of time because of my investments in Rock Concerts and Real Estate. Working low-paying jobs with abusive employers for 12 years was enough. Also, I hate constantly seeing people who were successful for 25-30 years and are now much worse off than me because of greedy corporations who violate US immigration laws with no penalty. My big problem might be finding healthcare for the 3 months each year that I pan to visit the US.

I'm not sure what these products are that people need. I eat beans, brown rice and seaweed. I drink 2 bottles of Bavarian beer per day (available in Panama). We are in a heat wave of 90 -94 degrees with dewpoints of 72-73 and I sleep with only a small window fan. I listen to my 1500 Modern Jazz LPs, watch TV on the internet and my free satellite dish. I run most days and lift weights, so as to keep up with the young women on the bus who hit on me (I'm not all that attractive). You should do a survey of specific products and services, that are expensive in Panama and ask people if they can make do without them.

I guess the big problem is finding a vegetarian girlfriend in Panama. Because they came here after we destroyed their country, I meet a lot of Buddhist vegetarian women, but they have a strong need to work. I worry that the girlfriend I bring with me may have a hard time getting work permits in Panama.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Paul Zendzian

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your detailed comment. I am sure others will find it helpful.

There are a few things that resonated with me.

I agree the follow up care that doctors provide is wonderful. My daughter had a small procedure on her foot a few months ago. Her doctor in David told us all the follow up visits were free. He wanted to ensure she came to them all. After my other daughter had a dental procedure our dentist called her up the next day, personally, to make sure she was not in pain. Yes, very impressive. Of course, not all medical professionals are like that here, but they aren't hard to find.

My beer of choice here is Fullers, from England, and Guiness, which you can get everywhere in Panama.

That is a good suggestion about the specific products and services and a cost comparison.

I'm guessing you live in Panama City since the biggest Buddhist population seems to be there.

Regarding work permits, they are getting alot easier to obtain. See this post, it talks about work permits abit

Thank again for your helpful comment.

Lorraine DelVecchio
11 years ago

As far as your quiz, I thought it was an excellent way to get people thinking in the direction they are heading. And for them to really see if they want to make this tremendous decision that will drastically change their lives. For the better, I think.
Just a few things about the quit for me personally. I am not married, and not really looking for anyone. There was no option for that. And the work thing. I would not mind working, but it is not a do or die thing. If something comes up part-time it may be an option for me. I want to live in Panama. However, I have had many hip surgeries and being close to excellent health care is very important. Especially a orthopedic surgeon. Other than that, I want to learn the culture, speak the language, meet new people, make friends. I want to keep my brain cells alive and well by keeping them actively working. I never did see my score, and there were only 11 questions.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago

Hi Lorranine,
Thanks for your comment and compliment. That is the purpose of the quiz, to get people thinking about the full range of issues that retiring abroad entails.

Yes, the quiz had a few glitches, including only having 11 questions. But they are fixed now . At least I tested it a bunch and didn't find any. If you have a chance, take the quiz a gain and let me know.

Thanks also for your quiz suggestions. I will see what I can do about including them.

11 years ago

Thank you for the quiz. I think it was pretty well thought out with the exception of how to move finances to Panama and if they are protected there. I know this may be more specific than the quiz was designed to collect data for, but would love to have answers for those questions. Where do I to find out those answers?
I have attended an Independent Living conference and Panama just sounded so perfect to me, Tell me that my initial assessment is accurate and not all of the nay sayer things I am coming across lately.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie

Hi Bonnie,

It isn't hard to move finances to Panama from other countries. However, if you are American it can be hard to set up a bank account these days. That is because of the very onerous reporting requirements the IRS is putting on Panama banks.

As you are checking out the country and need a bank account I would just transfer low amount of money to it. Wireing money is very easy to do. You can also easily access your US (and other country's bank account) with your ATM card.

The easiest and most time saving way to find out if Panama is a good choice for you is to visit. 10 minutes on the ground is worth 10 hours of internet searching. Plus really you cannot know if it is a good fit until you visit all the places in Panama that intrique you.

We love it here. But it isn't for everyone.

Best of luck in your search.

Jim & Sue
Jim & Sue
11 years ago

Like Lorraine said I did not see a score or 12th question.
However, we are glad that we found your web site, you have a lot of useful information on Puerto Armuelles that you can't find anywhere else. We want to come down to your area around August or September to check things out, but I'm still waiting for your reply to my email about the best way to get there after landing in Tocumen.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Jim & Sue

Hi Jim and Sue,

Yes, that beta version of the quiz had a few flaws. I have just uploaded a new quiz, with all 12 questions and a different point system. I think the scoring and system is much better now. Thanks to all the early beta testers today who gave me their input.

I remember replying to your question in an email. I will check to see what happened to it.

Jim & Sue
Jim & Sue
11 years ago
Reply to  Betsy & Reyn

I would really appreciate your reply as we are looking forward to coming down to your area sometime after the middle of August. After that we are open for traveling, so would there be anytime that would be better than others?
Is there a reason you don't include the dates on your posts? It would be a lot easier to follow the order of them and to know if the information is current or months/years old.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Jim & Sue

Hello Jim and Sue.

We are making plans right now. We may be visiting the States in August. But we can hook you up with some other folks that know Puerto Armuelles well. Just let us know.

I don't put in dates to make the information more timeless. I always try to go back and update information if it has changed.

Richard Clayton
Richard Clayton
11 years ago

The one problem I have in deciding if the cost of living will be an issue is the fact that all of the examples given were for people who have already purchased their cars and/or condos or homes. Everything I ever read about moving to a foreign country stress the importance of renting FIRST before buying. I would like to see the cost of living for people who are renting and who are using public transportation like taxis and/or buses (probably taxis).

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago

Hi Richard,
Yes, I can see that could be frustrating. I can help you.
Rents vary, of course. You could plug in a number - your budget for rent.
In our town you can rent a 2-3 bedroom house from anywhere from $125 to $1000/mo.

You simply need to decide what level of rental you want both in polish and cost, and plug it into your calculations.
I think you could find some place, except maybe in Panama City, that is very comfortable for $400/mo.

Taxis and Public Transportation is very inexpensive. Hardly a blimp on your budget sheet.
An in-town taxi ride is normally around $1 or less. You can take a bus across the country for under $20.
To be safe, unless you are going to be in Panama City, you could put down $50 a month.

Most of the people who volunteer their cost of living figures live in Panama already. Almost all of those folks own the place they live in. Almost all real estate here is paid for in full, in cash. So there are not many who pay a mortgage.

Hope that helps you out.

11 years ago

I've lived in Ecuador and Bolivia. Likely not much new in Panama

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Except that it is a different country. But you are right in that the transitions issues would be similar.
I would love to go to Bolivia. My sister lived there as an exchange student long ago.

Carol Mannon
Carol Mannon
11 years ago

Interesting quiz!

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Carol Mannon


richard polack
richard polack
11 years ago

some question did not have an accurate response. For instance my wife is willing to go no need to persaude her. But she is not as eager as me

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  richard polack

Hi Richard,

Yes, I know not all potential situations could be accounted for in the questions. I tried at first, but then the system of grading become less accurate. I appreciate the input. I wish I options could accommodate a full range of situations, but it cannot.

11 years ago

Not sure if this was a just for fun exercise or if you were really trying to help someone. Several of the question seemed silly or just for fun, not realistic questions.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Stan

Hi Stan,
Yes, the point is to help people, mostly to get them thinking. I did try to make it fun as well. Which questions seemed silly?

11 years ago

Hi Betsy & Rey: Thank you for your newsletter, for which I subscribed only a few weeks ago, and now you decided to publish only once a month. I enjoy it and look forward to see it every week, now as you said in your last issue, and I understand the amount of work that goes in to producing this type of blogs and websites are time and energy consuming. Thank you for the Quiz! Should I move to Panama? I speak Spanish fluently,I came to USA when I was 18 yrs old now I'm 63 yrs old I have not been out the united states over the last 23 years, which makes me pretty much another Hispanic/Gringo. Due to the fact that I got so used to living and working here in USA. I am still 3 1/2 years away from my retirement at 66 years, and so I started looking for other places where I can retire as well, due it to the fact that the economy is in limbo in the USA. I don't see a clear future in the States or any Developed countries at this time.
May be in three years from now things will change for the better in the developed world, and I don't have to think in emigrating from here, time will tell, but I have my eyes staring deeply in to
Panama and Colombia region.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

Hola Pedro,
Thank you for your kind words about my Living in Panama Newsletter.

Sounds like you could be a good fit for retiring in Panama or Columbia.
As I continually say, you should make a visit to see if you like either place.
Luckily you have 3.5 years to explore all your options.

Thanks for commenting and best wishes on your search.

Lorraine DelVecchio
11 years ago

Hey Betsy,
Thanks for responding. I feel so important now! I took the test again and got a decent score, of over 78%. Now, my girlfriend and I are really checking out some of the ins and outs of things we need to know. The one thing I cannot find anywhere is how many pets can you bring into Panama. I have one cat, and my friend has three cats and one chihuahua. I have looked everywhere I can think of online of no avail.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago

Hi Lorraine,
Now we are both important, responses both ways!
I'm glad you are in the good candiate category now.

As far as I know, there is no limit on the number of pets you can bring into Panama.
You just pay more, the more pets you bring in.

I believe you pay a license fee of $16 for the 1st one and $10 for each additional pet.
Then there is also a different $130 fee for each pet as well.

The golden frog helps people bring their pets into Panama.
I imagine they would know if there is any limit. This is the link for them

Where are you thinking of moving to in Panama?

Best wishes,

Karin Krug
Karin Krug
11 years ago

It's a good way to check yourself.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Karin Krug

I agree. Though, there are still some things missing, like your spiritual community. That is, does your location of choice in Panama have a spiritual community for you?

11 years ago

Thank you so much for all you information.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  victor

Your welcome, Victor. My pleasure.

Carol Fox
Carol Fox
11 years ago

Good survey. Funny.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Carol Fox


Larry Keyser
Larry Keyser
11 years ago

I liked your quiz. I will be coming down for a month or so and try to find the right area. Mountains or the sea. Thanks for quiz. I scored 84.31

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  Larry Keyser

Hi Larry,

Thanks. That is a great score. I hope your visit confirms your test score.

nelva Leavitt
nelva Leavitt
11 years ago

Fun quizz to take!

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
11 years ago
Reply to  nelva Leavitt


joe kelly
joe kelly
10 years ago

toying with central america. I visited Panama , Nicaragua an costa rica this year.Liked them all.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  joe kelly

Hi Joe, best wishes in your search.

Barbara Hughes
Barbara Hughes
10 years ago

I spent a month in India, and was quite culture shocked by the experience, mostly due to the food and the repercussions to my GI system. I think a person can adapt anywhere, but being sick while trying to adjust does present some big challenges. Thanks for the quiz. It had some salient points to consider.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Hughes

Hi Barbara,
Thanks for commenting. I spent 4 months in India years ago. I have traveled many places and I found India to be the hardest place to travel. I didn't have any GI problems, but I had a hard time dealing with the cultural differences. I do love it there though. I have never traveled anywhere that engaged all 5 of my senses as much as India.

7 years ago
Reply to  Betsy & Reyn

I agree totally.. India is a dichotomy of beauty and bliss mixed with struggle and strife. Love it though!

10 years ago

While I lived out of the US when I was younger and worked/traveled extensively...everything I read regarding retirement is geared to couples. Are there any seniors out there who have made the move alone. I will be 70 when I retire and move and must admit I don't have the energy I had when I was younger.
Thanks for your Site and assistance to those of us in research mode.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  judie

Hi Judie, Yes, there are singles who move down to Panama.

3 women in our town of Puerto Armuelles spring to mind.
- One is in her early 70s. She moved down about 3 years ago and lives near the beach.
- Another woman in her mid-60s, who now lives in our town, singled handedly sailed a boat down here and then bought a house.
- The 3rd woman who comes to mind is younger, in her 50s, she traveled down here by bus. She and another expat, who she met here, are now married.

Those are the 3 that come to mind. So yes it is possible. No more difficult than being in a couple I imagine. Maybe easier.
You don't need to persuade anyone else to move down, etc...

10 years ago
Reply to  Betsy & Reyn

Thank you for your response. I intend to visit in April...initial interest is Panama City but will visit other parts of the country.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  judie

Enjoy your visit. Panama City has a wealth of resources to help you settle in. If your budget is an issue, you should be aware that overall Panama City is significantly more expensive than the rest of Panama. However, I must admit that recently we have begun enjoying our visits to Panama City much more than we used to in the past. We used to try to get out of there as quickly as possible. I'm not sure if it is us or the city that has changed.

M J Henry
M J Henry
10 years ago
Reply to  judie

I will be retiring as a single as well. I'm looking at the high country around Boquete (Hope I spelled that right). I hope that I am able to meet other retirees, even if they are couples, just for a bit of socializing, but if I don't it's not that big of a deal for me. I have always been a bit of a loaner.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  M J Henry

Hi, Boquete has a well developed social network for expats.
There is a Tuesday market. They have regular meetings and many opportunities for socializing.
It has many more expats than most other locations.

james hyler
james hyler
10 years ago

i'm trying to start the quiz but it's not working?

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  james hyler

Hi James, I'm sorry you weren't able to start it. I have tried it a few times and it worked for me each time.
Did you click on the "Start quiz" button located under the graphic of a blue sky and the ocean with the words, " Should You Move To Panama?"
The arrow in that graphic points toward the "Start quiz" button.

Jerry Rahebi
Jerry Rahebi
10 years ago

Hello Betsy & Reyn:
I have enjoyed working and living in Southern California for forty years (I'm 60 years young).
I have been to Panama three times (one month at a time), explored most of the provinces West of the Panama City.
I liked Chiriquí province the most.
I am planning to come to Panama for six months soon, go to David and look for a small one to two hectares land close to the coast (but not on the beach).
Wish to congratulate you on you website, it is well organized and useful.
May be we can be of mutual benefit some day soon.
Be Well. Regards, Jerry R.

10 years ago

Thanks for the quiz. It gives me an idea as to whether I can be okay living in Panama. My only concerns are the quality & cost of healthcare and the cost of housing . I'm a senior citizen and I need to know where is the most affordable & safest area to live. I would love to visit in the very near future, but not sure exactly where. Thanks for any tips.

10 years ago

We have lived overseas before, I worked in Malaysia for 2 years. We are in our early 50's and just want to stop the daily grind. We'd love Southeast Asia again, but Central America is so much closer, it makes it easier to visit family back home.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  Roger

Southeast Asia is wonderful. I particularly love the food. But easy travel to the States from Panama is one of the reasons we chose to live here.

M J Henry
M J Henry
10 years ago

On your quiz I wanted to answer everything as honestly as possible. The one about married or not didn't even fit me. I went ahead and checked the single although I could care less about meeting someone. I'm not totally against that, but not looking. Anyway my score was barely under the 75% mark, which would have put me as a good candidate. I just think I'm probably a better candidate than many who scored higher simply because I was honest.

I don't own anything here, so nothing to give up and I figure if I give it a year in Panama and don't like it, I haven't lost a thing. I hope that y'all can help me to find an inexpensive way to live there through your newsletter and other things on your site. I've always lived a really simple life so I don't require a lot; mainly a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a place to write.

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  M J Henry


Thanks for the input on the quiz. I will try to tighten up the questions a bit.
My newsletters are starting again this month. I hope they will be help be helpful to you.

10 years ago

Should I or should I not retire to Panama....

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  Rick

That's the question. One that is usually answered by an extended visit.

10 years ago

Im a german living in florida I would like to move to panama its very hard to make ends meet in the united states .how can I contact people that live in panama either americans or germans to make friends with .are there any groups online ?

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  monika

Yes there are a number of groups on line. Search Yahoo groups for a few.
A good friend of mine is German and he lives here. He loves it.

Rene and David
Rene and David
10 years ago

We took your 12question quiz on whether we should move to Panama and scored over 86%. We are very interested in Boca Chica. What is the cost of living there? We love the beach, kayaking and fishing as well as lush tropical settings but only have $2000 per month to live on for both of us and our dog. Is that amount feasible in Boca Chica? If not, where would you suggest? Thanks! Rene & David

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  Rene and David

Wow you sound ready. Boca Chica is a beautiful place. We go there occassionaly for a long weekend.
If you also have the capital to buy a place, a $2000 monthly income sounds like it would work for you in Boca Chica.
But of course, it depends upon what type of lifestyle you want to live.

I am sure a visit, especially if it includes living there for a month or 3 will quickly answer your question.

cindy sulken
cindy sulken
10 years ago

I would need a part time job is that going be possible?

cindy sulken
cindy sulken
10 years ago

I would need a part time job is that going be possible?

Betsy & Reyn
Betsy & Reyn
10 years ago
Reply to  cindy sulken

Here in Panama - probably not. But it depends both upon where you settle as well as your skills.
There are also a number of on-line jobs you can get that are not based in Panama.

9 years ago
Reply to  Betsy & Reyn

I will be moving from Barbados with a fair nest-egg, but will want to eventually own a B&B or restaurant. In the meanwhile can you direct me to those on-line job ops. mentioned above?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cullen

Hi Cullen,

There are a number of on-line job opportunities.
It depends upon what you are interested in doing.

I am actually writing something up about that today.
So check back soon to read it.

In the meantime, Jordan talks about his online job on this post


10 years ago


10 years ago
Reply to  bob


9 years ago

The quiz was very fun and eye opening. Thank you for creating it! I will have my husband take it next, just to make sure we're on the same page before taking this leap. Great service.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Hi Kim,

Thanks for letting me know that the quiz helped you out.
I hope you and your husband score similarly.

9 years ago

Looking for options for visiting to see if Panama is good fit. Any suggestions as the best way to go about this?

9 years ago

I was stationed 11 years in the navy and my wife was born in the canal zone. Been thinking about being back down there but not sure a bi-polo person would get proper medical help down there. I know there have been many changes but I can remember being the only person on the white sand of the beach in both directions.

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Property in panama.

8 years ago

I want to buy a home in Panama, what are the procedures to buying a home in Panama

Dorothy Gunn
Dorothy Gunn
7 years ago

I plan on taking my early retirement and my e-commerce business to Panama. I envision a small home, some chickens a dog and maybe a goat or two. What area would you recommend? I want to be around Native Panamanians. I don't want to travel that distance to live in a pseudo America

7 years ago

Hi.. My husband and I are looking for the ideal place for an active and affordable retirement. Boating fishing and watching the sun set over the ocean are top priorities. I think we will like the carribbean side better than the Pacific.. Question is which locations on the north coast offer sunsets?

6 years ago

I am a divorced single woman of 10 years. I have about 2.5 years to retirement. I visited Panama a few years ago and met a couple at the resort that were there looking to buy a home. I fell in love with Panama and promised myself I would retire there. I've recently started my spanish lessons and am reading all the information that I can find regarding living, moving, retiring in Panama. The answers to my questions are not something that can be answered by reading alone: How safe is it for a single woman to be living in Panama whether in the mountains, Panama City, or a beach community? What are your thoughts on dating in Panama? Are there many single expat men and women living in Panama?

Kristin Lyman
Kristin Lyman
4 years ago
Reply to  Support

Hi Betsy, I am also a single woman who traveled to Panama in April and felt perfectly safe and everyone was very kind and helpful as is the nature of Panamanians. I lived there in the 1980's stationed in Galeta Island in the Navy. I will be moving in the beginning of the year. At first I thought Coronado because there are many expats but after looking a bit more Puerto Armuelles is looking more and more like home for my dog and I

Merlin G
Merlin G
6 years ago
Reply to  Deb

Hi Deb & the others in the discussion group.
This is truly the first time I have joined a discussion group - I guess this is called a blog? I say that as I apologize if my etiquette isn't up to par as I don't know the discussion rules etc.
So Deb- my circumstances are quite similar to yours. Although I have never been to Panama I am at this point definitely planning and wanting to retire there. Around March of 2022. I also plan on taking a couple of vacations- one being a relocation tour prior to my retirement.
I too have wondered about the number of expat singles there and how one would even know how to start such an inquiry. I'm not sure how we would go about continued non forum conversations but I would welcome the opportunity. Sincerely- Merlin
PS- so far I have been really taken by the Pedasi and Puerto Amuelles areas. And on my 45 minute to & from work commute and I am learning-hablo espanol.

Merlin G
Merlin G
6 years ago
Reply to  Deb

Hi Deb,
I am in a very similar circumstance as yours. I would enjoy chatting with you re/ timeframe and cities that you are interested in re-locating to. so far I am quite intrigued and taken by the Pedasi area. I would enjoy starting a conversation with you.
Sincerely, Merlin
[email protected]

Carey mcgrory
Carey mcgrory
6 years ago

Hi im a 53 year old south african woman libung off a disability pension which meets the $1100 dollar range. I would like to retire in panama. I i terested in safe places to live within my budget. I also need to see a psychiatrist for my PSTD monthly. I will be bringing my animals. I do prefer the inland. Im catholic and would like to know if there are churches in the towns to attebd mass. Im busy arranging spanish lessons here is SA and I hope to be there no later that end 2019.

Doug Banks
Doug Banks
6 years ago
Reply to  Carey mcgrory

Carey we live in Los Algarrobos Chiriqui province which is about 15 minutes from the city of David, and living on what money you have should be no problem and David has the health professionals that you would need. There is quite a large group of South Africans living near us. Feel free to contact me on my Face Book messenger.
regards Doug Banks

CJ Visser
CJ Visser
5 years ago
Reply to  Carey mcgrory

We are from South Africa and lived in Boquete (Chiriqui province) for a year. Wonderful place. Most Panamanians are Catholic so that shouldn't be a problem. I think Chirique will be a good option- especially Boquete (or Volcan- which is a bit of a smaller town- more of a small-town feel than Boquete). $1,100 is enough for one person. The only issue you MIGHT have is finding a psychiatrist who can speak English. We saw one in Boquete but she could only speak Spanish. There might be one by now, I just don't know. Learning a bit of Spanish now is a great idea- but in towns like Boquete you'll manage even without Spanish; there are enough Americans and other Gringos there.

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  Support


david lacroix
david lacroix
4 years ago

Roger, I remember Vincent Miccuci, howard base commander- i was at SCN in the 80's. I have a buddy who is a VSO ( veterans service officer) in chorrera who can answer all your questions; I have cabins in Guarare and fly back and forth using airmiles often. drop me an e mail or a call at 254 291-0903....e mail is: [email protected]

see ya!

5 years ago

I have lived in Manila for several years and traveled a bit, visiting Central and South America, including Panama. Now my girlfriend and I are seriously considering moving to Panama for our retirement, initially as snowbirds. She loves to paint watercolors and hike. I enjoy sailing, bicycling, and using the Internet. Both of us like the highlands and the seashore, and would like to do both. We like people and are interested in local culture, because that makes the expat experience so much more enjoyable and enriching. The big city is not for us except to visit. Any suggestions as to where to investigate and where to avoid? Thanks for your help.

Bonnie Geise
Bonnie Geise
4 years ago

Where is our water. Idaan not pumped a drop in our tank for 2weeks. Don't come to Panama if you want to shower daily, have a pool you can use.
Middle of corona virus and can't wash hands.

Janine Fugere
4 years ago

Hi Betsy, It's Janine writing to say, not surprised I scored a "90" ~ Panama Bound. Given that Paul & I have a reservation deposit on Lot #4 and all our travel plans booked for October, I think my survey is totally accurate! I may have gotten an 85 if I admitted waiting is hard for me, but the new, retired, Panama Bound Janine can be happy, so long as I have a good book, the internet to surf, a chance to take photos while waiting, a chance to make new friends and practice Spanish while waiting, or just a beach to play on, for "extended waits." I know there will be many of those, but I'm prepared!!!! See you soon Betsy! Janine Fugere (& Paul Teixeira)

Gary hamilton
Gary hamilton
2 years ago

Best location, I want a cosmopolitan area btwn Bequete & Panama city, lower cost 3 bdrm , 2 bath, 2 house on property.

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