Robin Gives His Top 5 Reasons For Retiring In Panama

If you are considering moving or retiring to Panama, you may find this helpful.

In this video Robin Sare lists his reasons for retiring in Panama.
Transcription below

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Robin and his wife Diana bought their property in Puerto Armuelles Panama about 6 years ago.

The last 2 years they have lived here more or less full time.

Robin's Top 5 Reasons For Retiring Here. 

1) It fit their lifestyle desires

Adventures and active sports for him and warm weather gardening for her.

2) Affordable

3) Panama uses the American dollar

This mean you know it will hold value.  (Robin and Diana are Canadians)

4) No hurricanes

Which means you don't have to worry about your house being destroyed in a storm

5) Delightful climate

The temperature "ranges from 22 at night to 28 in the day.    It can get hot in the sun, but with a ocean breeze or shade it is very pleasant."

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For those who prefer to read, than watch video, the video transcription is below.

Hi, my name is Robin Sare, and my wife Diana and I live here in Puerto Armuelles.

We bought land about 6 years ago and we have been living in the house pretty much full time for the past two years.

We're Canadians and I am now retired.

When we first bought the land, I was still working, but I'm now wonderfully retired, and enjoying it immensely.

We've always traveled extensively. We've probably visited about 50 countries around the world, and we've done a lot of adventure travel sea kayaking, skydiving, river rafting, hiking, mountain biking, that kind of thing, as well as cultural tours.

And so, there came a time when my wife was a little less keen on the adventure route, and I still wanted to keep it up, and my wife is a very keen gardener and loves the warmth and so we thought that Panama would be the ideal combination for the two of us.

The adventure for me and a place for a wonderful garden for her after the cold wastelands of the Canadian North. So, we ended up in Puerto Armuelles having looked at a few other areas in Panama. And really having looked back at our catalog of places through the world where we've been.

First of all, Panama was quite affordable.

Secondly, it uses the American dollar, so your money here will always have some form of value.

They don't have hurricanes here, so you know your house will be here when you get back from wherever you've been off traveling to. The climate is delightful. It goes down to about 22 at night up to about 28 in the day. If you're at noon hour in the bright sun, yes it's hot, but as long as you have a sea breeze or you are in the shade, its truly wonderful.

I do a lot of sea kayaking out in the bright sun and it's no problem being out on the sea, it's very very comfortable there.

Thanks for watching.


December 15, 2012

You Can Help The Many Poor Children In Bocas Del Toro

The Floating Doctors have been running clinics for poor indigenous communities in Bocas Del Toro, Panama for the last 9 months.

As a caring group of people, they recently rescued 2 tiny jungle kittens that had been taken by poachers.

Here is a link to a blog post about the rescue of the kittens Another about one of their patients in Bocas.

At the end of each blog post, you have the opportunity to donate to the Floating Doctors.

You can donate one time or set up a monthly donation via Global Giving.

You can even volunteer for short or long term stints.

Click to find out more about volunteering, here.

Discover more about them.

Explore their site and see what they have been doing for a communities that have no other health care resources.

Thanks to SusanAgg1 of Gringos_in_David_Panama Yahoo Group.  I didn't know about this group until I read her post about them.

Susan also says the Floating Doctors have helped out some expats with medical emergencies as well.

Please comment below.

December 8, 2012

Help Save Panama Bay For Migrating Birds. Audubon Makes It Easy To Get Your Voice Heard.

"One of the most important coastal wetlands in the Americas is under threat."

As of May of this year, Panama is allowing development of the upper bay of Panama.

Before then, in 2005, Panama had declared it as a Ramsar site.

That means Panama publicly acknowledged that Panama Bay is a wetland of international importance.

In 2009, Panama confirmed this by declaring the wetland as a National Protected Area.

No longer.  

Developers have convinced the government to withdraw the wetland's protected status.

30 species of birds use this wetland on their way south after breeding.   In additon, it is important to the life cycle of fish and shell fish and to the ecosystem of the region.

In tandem with that, the government has also relaxed it regulations for mangrove preservation.

“If these wetlands are lost, you break the chain of wetlands shorebirds need for successful migrations”, says Rosabel Miro, Panama Audubon’s executive director.

BirdLife Partner, the Panama Audubon Society, and a coalition of local and international environmental groups including  the US National Audubon are taking legal action to restore Panama Bay's protected status.

Write A Letter To The Panama Government Today!

The Audobon Society makes it easy for you to get your voice heard.  

They have a pre-written letter they will send in for you.

Just fill your information.   Save the shorebirds of Panama and the World!

Click Here To Send In Your Appeal 

For more on conservation of seabirds worldwide, go to this site.


December 8, 2012

Today is Mother's Day in Panama.

December 8th.

The whole country takes it off.

Government offices are closed.  Everyone is off work.  

Women are awakened at about 4am by being serenaded in the street.

To me - at this moment - it seems a punishment to be awaken in this way.

A band gathers in the back of a pickup truck and plays music for all the houses that have pre-paid for the honor.  Loud music.

As you imagine, you can hear the music pretty well even if you didn't request the 4 am wake up.

We don't get these traveling typica bands in our small and quiet neighborhood.  But when we lived in the densely populated San Jose neighborhood we experienced it.

Actually, it was kind of fun to see and hear it.   A cultural experience.  Maybe I would grow to love it.   Maybe.

As my sister once told me, it is collective guilt over their treatment of women that makes some countries make a  big deal out of mother's day.

Did I mention that Mother's Day is a National Holiday in Panama?  

That is alot of guilt.

Happy Mother's Day!

December 3, 2012

A real estate developer requested I put together a 1 page summary of Puerto Armuelles.

He wanted it to cover both its history and its economic future.

I had fun creating it.

If you would like a copy, I'd be happy to share it with you.

For your 1 page summary, Click Here.

For more information about Puerto Armuelles Panama, Go Here.


Map of Panama with seal of titling office & text on it
It is easy. You need a good lawyer to make it faster and easier

Right of Possession (ROP) land is cheaper to buy than already titled property.

blue book cover with tropical property photo on it
Click To Get Your Free Guide

To save money, you may want to buy ROP land and then title it.

To Learn How To Safely Buy ROP Property, Go Here.

There are alot of steps to title property in Panama, but it isn't difficult.

These steps are described in our easy to follow guide, "How To Title ROP Panama Real Estate"

The guide describes the process and documents you will need to title land.

For an overview of these titling steps, go here.

You can get your free guide on how to title land there, or by  Clicking Here.

Please ask questions and comment below.

If You Are Looking For Title or ROP property.  Explore Our Listings.


Image with text saying 3 things to do with ROP property ASAP

Did you just buy Right of Possession (ROP) Land?

Don't crack open the champagne yet.

You must make sure everyone knows you -and only you - own it.

Do These 3 Things ASAP

1. Erect a fence along the property lines.

2. Put up a sign stating, "Propiedad Privada, No traspaso" (that is, "Private Property, No Trespassing") with your name and contact information.

3. Regularly maintain the property by keeping the vegetation and yard under control.

These measures will ensure that everyone is aware that you now own the property.  And further that you are occupying it.

Remember ROP land is owned by those who occupy it over time.
In Panama, maintaining the property is considered one way to prove you are "occupying" the land.

Did you buy an ROP house?

If you won't be living in the house for while you should do 1 of 2 things.  

1. Hire a caretaker for it

2. Get a renter

A Renter

If it is a nice house that someone would eagerly move into and enjoy, rent it at market value.   Don't forget to get a signed and notarized rental agreement.

A Caretaker (Cuidador)

If it is a house that needs a major remodel, get a renter as caretaker. That is, rent the house for a nominal fee.  It is a win-win situation since the tenant has a free or cheap place to live and you have a caretaker at no cost.   We tell our "renters" not to pay the rent.  It is free.

Make sure you sign and notarize a rental agreement with them.  We make the rent a nominal amount like $50 a month.  In the agreement, require the tenant to pay any utilities and other tenant-related bills.

Not hiring a caretaker has 3 advantages.

1. You don't have to pay a caretaker.

2. You don't have an employee and labor issues that may arise.

3. You can more easily evict the tenant once the lease is up.

We have never had a problem with a renter not leaving when we ask.  However, putting a rental amount in the contract allows you to get enforcement from the Ministry of Housing.  If necessary, you can tell the agency that the tenants have not been paying the rent cited in the contract.  It can be hard to evict someone otherwise.

Go here to learn how to buy ROP property safely

Click for a full explaination of ROP property in Panama

Do you want to title your ROP property?   

We created a titling guide, "How To Title ROP Panama Real Estate" to help you.

Click to here for info on titling and to get the free guide

If you are still looking for your perfect Panama property, we invite you to explore our listings.

We have both titled and ROP Panama real estate listings.  Click Here To See Our Property Listings.

November 27 2012

Do you Have A Panama Pensionado Visa?

Good news.

You can now easily get a cedula.

Life is much easier in Panama with a cedula.

The editor of The Panama Guide, Don Winter, writes this about this new development.

"Cool. Now everyone out there who already has a pensionado visa can also obtain your permanent identification card (cedula). This is a big advantage, because in the Panamanian business community as soon as you flash a cedula, then they relax because you've been completely identified, even though you're a foreigner. I zip through the airport using the "Panamanian" line in immigration, just by showing my cedula."

In August 2012, the National Immigration Service (SNM) announced:

  • Before permanent residency was being given to retirees, but they could not complete the process to be given a personal identification card (cedula).
  • Now Pensionados can be issued a cedula.

What is A Cedula? 

  • "Cédula" comes from the Latin word, schedula, which means a small piece of paper
  • In Panama, cédula, refers to the identification card issued by the Civil Registry of Panama.
  • Cedulas were first issued for the purpose of voter identification
  • The card displays your name, date and place of birth, gender, a photo, signature, thumbprint, as well as the dates of issue and expiration.  On the back, it also has a magnetic strip that contains all the same information, digitally.
  • Used for proof of age.  This is especially important if you're entitled to retiree discounts.  You can get retirement discounts if you have any type of Panama residency visa once you are 60 for men or 55 for women.
  • With a cédula, you have more standardized rights and access than those with tourist cards or other non-permanent immigration visas.
  • The cédula is now used as an all-purpose national identification card in Panama.

When you are dealing with banks and lawyers, one of the first items you will be asked for is your cédula.  If you don't have one, everything seems to get alittle more complicated.

Having a cédula makes life easier in Panama.

It is great news it is now its much easier for Pensionados to get one.

Find out more about the Panama Pensionado visa.

November 25, 2012
Drop On By The Tsunami Inn in Puerto Armuelles

I get so many people asking, "where can I stay in Puerto Armuelles?"

While there are some places to rent, there are very few hotel options.

Thankfully, Scott and Bob have solved the problem of "where to stay".

They have opened a delightful hotel in Puerto Armuelles.  

It is located by the beach in the San Vicente neighborhood.

The Tsunami Inn is a small hotel with:

  • Cabins for rent
  • Swimming pool
  • Central "hang-out" rancho with bar
  • Wi-Fi Internet
  • Air conditioning
  • Horseshoe pit, with a community game every Sunday
  • Beautiful beach just steps away from your cabin
  • An apartment for rent for longer stays

To find out more and to book a cabin, visit its website.

Please tell them that Betsy and Reyn sent you.

If you are looking at property in Puerto as well, make sure you give us a call. 

Reyn gives a killer tour of Puerto Armuelles and can answer all your questions.

Start your tour of Puerto Armuelles by clicking here.

Click to look at properties in Puerto Armuelles.