Panama Outlaws Carrots!

November 14, 2011

Carrot Law Outlaws Liquor Sales: 3am-9pm

Okay not really.

Panama has outlawed selling liquor after 3 am til 9 am.

Calling it, Ley Zanahoria (carrot law) 

And being Panama, there is alot of wiggle room in that law.

Prior to the Carrot Law there was no real restrictions on the sale of liquor in bars.

The "carrot law" states that from 3:00 am in the morning until 9:00 am of that same day, bars and discos, barbecues and grills, cantinas, wineries, and such, will have to close their doors.

However, casinos and hotels do not have to close.

I wonder what a business has to do be considered a casino or a hotel?

I bet a heck a lot of bar owners are thinking that too.

In the meantime, expect the noise level to go up on streets after 3 am.

PS. Don Winner of Panama Guide sleuthed out the significance of the name Ley Zanahorias.   A reader emailed it to him as follows:

. . .It is basically called like that because in Colombia the "zanahorios" you can translate it as "carrot people" is a urban term used for people who have a healthy lifestyle, do not drink, do not party etc. therefore the law when passed was given that name. I hope this wikepedia page that will explaining it better to you. 

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