Which Health Insurance To Choose in Panama

cartoon graphic about choosing health insurance
1st decision: International or Domestic insurance

So you have decided to get health insurance in Panama.

And you understand your health insurance options.

How Do You Choose Which Insurance Plan To Buy?

In this post, I cover:

  • International Health Insurance (why, limits, & companies)
  • Domestic Health Insurance (why, limits, & companies)
  • An Insurance Broker's Recommendation

International Health Insurance

More and more expats in Panama are choosing international health insurance. One reason is that the local policies have become more limited.  More importantly, international health insurance covers you even when you are traveling, offers a wider network of doctors and hospitals, and offers a higher coverage amount.

Typical Limits - International Insurance Policy

  • Worldwide coverage (can exclude the US for a big cost savings)
  • $1 - 5 million lifetime limit
  • $1,000-5,000 annual deductable
  • In Panama, choose from any doctor or hospital
  • Out of Panama, only select network of doctors and hospitals

International Health Insurance Companies

Here are some International companies to check out.

  • GeoBlue (a blue cross company)
  • Cigna
  • BUPA Global
  • Sagicor
  • Seven Corners
  • WEA
  • Aetna International
  • WorldWide Medical Assurance Corp
  • IMG
  • Allianz Worldwide

Save Money Don't Have USA Coverage

The policies are less expensive if you exclude coverage in the USA.  You can include coverage in the USA, but it tends to double or almost double the policy cost.

When traveling to the US, whether you are US citizen or not, you can simply buy travel insurance for the specific time you will be in the States. This works well if you will be in the States for under 3 months.  Also, I have heard that the International insurance company, Cigna, allows you to add up to 3 months of coverage in the States for a reasonable price.

For the questions you should ask before you buy insurance, click here.  

Domestic Health Insurance

Hospital-based policies and local HMO-style insurance policies offer coverage only in Panama. If you don't plan on travel much outside of Panama, or are have insurance back "home", it can be a good option.  It is generally cheaper.  However, most will not accept new applicants after the age of 65.

Typical Limits - Domestic Insurance Policy

  • $300,000 - $500,000 lifetime limit
  • $300 - $500 annual deductible, depending on your premium
  • No new applicants age 66 or older
  • Limited to a select group of doctors, hospitals, and labs for local HMO, or to a specific hospital for a hospital-based policy.

If you do decide to go outside the HMO group you are reimbursed for only 60% of what would have been paid to the preferred provider.

If you are over 65, you will have to look into an International insurance company that accepts new applications 66 years old and older.

Domestic Health Insurance Companies

Here are some International companies to check out.

  • ASSA
  • Suramericana de Seguros  (Sura)
  • Seguros Mapfre
  • Aseguradora Ancon
  • Seguros Vivir
  • Generali

Don't know if you need health insurance?  Ask yourself these 3 health and financial questions to find out.  

A Broker's Recommendation.  

Cari Collins is an insurance broker I often see recommended on various Facebook groups and forums.  I reached out to her and asked for her advice for expats looking for health insurance in Panama.  We had a very friendly exchange.  And, importantly, she responded to her email and my questions very quickly.

Cari Collins' Advice To Expats

The name of the company I represent is Global Health Insurance.  I think the name is a good description of what we provide.  Not only is health insurance available but also travel medical, property, auto and life insurance.

For medical, I can represent WEA, Cigna, IMG and VUMI, among others.  The policy I feel is the best value is WEA.

The things I like about it that you may not find with other insurance plans here in Panama, are:

  1. All the top hospitals in Panama are included:  Punta Pacifica, Punta Paitilla, San Fernando and Hospital Nacional.
  2. Even if they're not in the network, you can go to ANY doctor or facility and they will still pay 100% of eligible expenses after your deductible.  The only difference between in-network and out-of-network is direct billing.
  3. You can exclude or include the U.S.  If you don't spend at least several months a year there, it is much more cost effective to exclude it.
  4. They may cover certain pre-existing conditions.  Not a guarantee but most the others won't consider covering anything pre-existing.
  5. You fill out a medical questionnaire with your application.  They may ask for a doctor's statement on pre-existing conditions to see what they will and will not cover but if you’re under 65, you don't automatically have to go to their doctor and get a physical like so many others I've heard about.

So many expats visit the U.S. though.  If they exclude the U.S. to save money, they still need coverage for those visits back.  In those cases, travel medical coverage is a great solution.  You can purchase a policy to cover only the days you are visiting.  No medical background is needed because no pre-existing conditions are covered.  But it will cover any accident or illness incurred during your visit.

The WEA policy that excludes the U.S. combined with an IMG travel medical policy for visits is a great way to make sure your health care costs are covered and because medical costs are so much less in Panama insurance costs are also significantly less.

Cari Collins' contact information:  email:  [email protected].  website: www.globalhealthinsurance.com/cari-collins.

Find out how to apply for health insurance in Panama

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red-colored background, female clip art doctor, and text about Panama Health Insurance
Things to consider before you chose your Panama insurance plan

It can be stressful to figure out health insurance, no matter where you live. But in a foreign country it is more so.

In this post, I describe the following.

  • 4 Types of Health Insurance Available in Panama
  • 7 Things To Find Out Before Choosing A Policy
  • 3 Insurance Broker Recommendations
  • 9 Important Details About Insurance In Panama

4 Types Of Health Insurance In Panama

Panama has had health insurance for over a 100 years. More recently, more insurance companies are offering coverage in Panama.

1) International Insurance. International coverage is a good choice, especially if you travel frequently. The right international policy is also a good stop gap to cover the 2 year wait period before a local policy will cover any pre-existing condition.  However, more and more expat are choosing International medical insurance over any of the local insurance plans.   

2) Domestic  Insurance. These are local HMO-style policies that only cover medical care in Panama. Coverage varies widely, but generally it is between US$300,000 and US$500,000. You are limited to a select group of doctors, hospitals and labs. Go outside the group, and you will only be reimbursed for 60%o of what would have been paid to the preferred provider. When selecting one of these policies be sure to review the list above of factors to consider when selecting insurance.

Panama health insurance companies will not issue insurance until you are living in Panama.  You’ll need to prove that you are renting in Panama or have bought a house.  And they will have have restrictions about how long you can back in your home country to stay insured.  So, you cannot buy insurance in Panama at the much lower price then move back to the United States full time.

3) Domestic hospital discount plan. This is not true insurance. It is a discount plan at a specific hospital. These membership plans give participants hefty discounts on procedures performed at that facility only.

I know people who with the preventative discount plan at the Chiriqui hospital who are very happy with it. However, it is not an insurance policy. It can not be used in a hospital in Panama City for instance.  The usefulness of some of these plans may have deteriorated in recent years due to changes in coverage.

4) Tricare insurance. This is only available to US retired military. It is actually not insurance, but a military benefit. From what I hear, Tricare coverage in Panama used to fabulous.  However, due to various factors including abuse by consumers, it is more costly and limited. At this time, I am not sure what it covers or where it can be used.  Those who qualify to use Tricare can find out more by going to visiting the tricare.mil website

Possible "Home" Insurance Coverage

You also may be able to use your current (non-Panama) insurance in Panama, but you will have to check your policy. Some cover some costs at out-of-your network rates.  I believe this is particularly true if you have Blue Cross or Blue Shield and go to an affiliated hospital or clinic in Panama.

7 Things To Find Out Before Choosing A Policy

  • Cost of the policy
  • Geographic coverage
  • Annual or lifetime limits
  • Annual deductible
  • Whether the policy only covers a certain network of providers or only to a specific hospital
  • How claims are paid
  • Pre-existing health conditions coverage

Insurance Brokers

If you don't want the headache of comparing policies, you may want to use an insurance broker or agent. They can help you select the plan that best suits your needs and budget.  I have heard positive things from other expats about these 3 insurance brokers.  I have not used them myself.

9 Important Details To Keep In Mind

  • You cannot use US Medicare insurance in Panama (or in any other country other than the US). However, you should not opt-out of Medicare. You never know when you may have to go back. You may also want to get Medicare prescription plan.  Often prescription drugs are cheaper in the US than in Panama.
  • Almost all insurance companies in Panama require an initial medical exam. You must pay for this out of pocket, it is usually around $100. Some international policies do not require an exam.
  • Age matters. Most, if not all, local insurance companies will not open a new policy for someone over the age of 65. I don't think any insurance policy accepts a new applicant if they are 74 years of age or older. Also, once you are in, the cost of your policy will increase as you jump from age bracket to age bracket. The increase can be anywhere from 5 to 20%.
  • Pre-existing conditions are not covered.  As I mention above, some people carry 2 insurance policies for 2 years for that reason. See what I wrote above about international insurance for more.
  • Residency. Most companies require you to have a Panama residence or provide proof that you reside in the country for at least 10 months per year.  They do this to keep the insurance from being used like a medical tourism policy.  It is a temptation to use it that way because the rates in Panama are so much lower than in many western countries.  Read what I wrote above about domestic insurance for more details. Also, if this applies to you, Reyn wrote a post on medical tourism in Panama.
  • Elective surgery.  Elective treatments or surgery must be pre-approved.
  • Receipts. Keep your receipts & make copies of your receipts. Almost always you will be required to pay the cost of your care and then get reimbursed. Very little billing is computerized in Panama, even if it is, your getting a copy of old bills or payments is no guarenteed. It is critical you keep the receipts so you can submit them with your claim. Do not submit your only copy of the receipt. You may need to resubmit it.
  • Paperwork. That brings me to paperwork. When submitting a claim or requesting coverage expect alot of paperwork, inefficiency, and potentially a long wait.  Of course, you may be pleasantly surprised and some companies are much more efficient than others.
  • Cost of Insurance. Whether you think health insurance in Panama is expensive depends upon your frame of reference. In general it is more expensive than Mexico, but significantly less than in the USA.

I recommend you also read my observations and tips about health care in Panama


Given the cost of an accident or major surgery, it is smart to get medical insurance coverage.  This is particularly true if you are in your early 70s.   It becomes very difficult to get insurance once you are 74 years old. Keep in mind, pre-existing conditions are not covered. So you may want to get insurance now, so those conditions are covered if and when they crop up.

Because health care is so affordable in Panama, some people, especially when they are younger, opt not to get medical insurance.  If that describes you, you may want to read the 3 things to consider before you decide not to buy health insurance in Panama.

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