Should You Move To Panama Quiz

ectangle of blue sky & graphic of 2 palm trees with text about Panama quiz

Moving to Panama is a big decision.

Your biggest question is probably,

"Will I Be Happy In Panama?"

The quiz below covers the issues you need to consider before moving to Panama.

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Will You Be Happy In Panama Quiz

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Step 1 of 13

Your Cost of Living in Panama*
pac-man icon with word budget, "eating" food, fun, etc

Can You Afford To Live In Panama?Panama can be incredibly affordable. But your personal cost of living will depend on both where you live and what you buy.

If you buy all the same brand names from back "home", then your cost of living will be significantly higher than if you shop more like a local.

And your location matters.

While Panama City is more affordable than some parts of the US, it is not an inexpensive place to live. In the same way, if you live in areas that have a big expat population, you are likely to spend more money.

About calculating your budget. If you receive a pension of some sort, it is much easier to figure out your monthly budget. It can be trickier to figure your monthly "retirement" income, if your plan is to sell everything and live on the proceeds. 

To help figure out if you can afford to live in Panama (or anywhere), use these calculators.

What Will Your Average Monthly Budget Be in Panama?
(Don't forget to include travel costs to visit back "home".)