Our Visit From Live And Invest Overseas

Denis & David, Editors of Live And Invest Overseas' Panama Letter. They Enjoyed Puerto Armuelles

I never yet mentioned our visit from Live and Invest Overseas (LIO).

For those who don't know who LIO is, their website says: 

Live and Invest Overseas showcases the best opportunities for international living, investing, and retiring overseas.

Basically, Live and Invest Overseas (LIO) is similar to International Living.

I am assuming, if you are here, you've most likely run across International Living in your search for information on living in Panama.

In fact, LIO's founder, Kathleen Peddicord, used to be with International Living.

I hold a soft spot in my heart for International Living.

Although, I think International Living is too often over-the-top and salesy, it  started us thinking about moving to Panama.  Something I am very happy we did.

While Live and Invest Oversea's can be a bit over the top too, it seems that they save most of their hyperbole for their sales pages and not their actual publications.   Although, I have to admit I have never subscribed to International Living's paid publications.  

The Visit

Back in January, David Sexton and Denis Foynes, managing editors of Live and Invest Oversea's Panama Letter, came to Puerto Armuelles.

Their goal was to convey to the readers of the Panama Letter what Puerto Armuelles was like and if it was a good place to live and invest.

Our goal was to help them see the real Puerto Armuelles.

David and Denis are wonderful guys.  David is from the DC area, as is my husband Reyn.   Denis is from Ireland.

Reyn took them surfing in the morning.  They are not really surfers, but they gave it a shot.

Reyn showed them the town and introduced them to all the folks he ran into.   We wanted to give them a flavor of the people, ex-pat and natives, who lived here.

I really enjoyed when they came and had brunch with us.   We invited our friend Frank, who is from Germany, and his family, to join us.

We talked about a zillion different things.  I enjoyed hearing about how much they liked Panama.   This was their first time to Puerto Armuelles.

So far they said they liked the feel of the town and the beaches very much.

My 11 Year Old Is Published

My daughter 11 year old Skylar made a good impression on them.

I mentioned that Skylar had been hounding me about how she could earn money.  She really wants an  ipod touch.  (The family rule is kids have to pay for their own electronic devises.)

Coincidently, I had recently run across International Living offer to pay for articles.   She wanted money.   I wanted her to improve her writing.  It seemed a great combo.

When David and Denis heard this, they said she could write something for us.  Which she has done.

Skylar was and is thrilled.

Her blurb appears in the recent Panama Letter.  It is on being an expat kid in Panama.

David and Denis also included an interview with my husband, Reyn, in Live and Invest Oversea's The Panama Letter.

You can read the Panama Letter via Live & Invest Oversea's website, click here to go there.

We also interviewed one of the co-founders of Live & Invest Oversea's Lief Simon.  We asked him his experience and thoughts on living in Panama.
Click here to hear our interview with Lief Simon

Will You Be Happy In Panama?
Click to find out (12 Quick Questions)